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A board composed by  42 National Networks of Anna Lindh Foundation conferred "Euromed Award" 2014 to Zoukak Theatre Company & Cultural Association (Lebanon).

The three finalists were:

  1. Le monde des possibles (Belgium)
  2. Zoukak theatre company & cultural association (Lebanon)
  3. Radijojo, world children's media network (Germany)

Awards ceremony was presented by Silvia De Fanti and took place at Mercadante Theatre in Naples in occasion of the tenth anniversary of ALF and the 25° of Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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With the theme of Social Resilience and Creativity, the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Fondazione Mediterraneo, are launching the ninth edition of the Euromed Dialogue Award in the framework of the 10th Anniversary of the Anna Lindh Foundation which will take place in Naples, Italy in October 2014.
The aim of the ALF Euro-Med Award is to recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations that have been at the forefront of promoting Intercultural Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
The winner shall receive a financial contribution of 5,000 EUR in recognition of their work for Intercultural Dialogue in the Euro-Med region and a trophy, to be delivered by the Euro-Med Award Jury in a prestigious bestowing ceremony.
Candidates for the Award can be nominated either as an individual or as an organisation and must be based in one of the member countries of the Euro-Med Partnership. Nominating organisations are requested to submit online their nomination proposals for the Award candidates before the midnight of the 30th of June 2014 (Cairo time).

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The House of Tales and Music won the 2013 Euro-Med Award. The Awards Ceremony was held in Vilnius on 23 November 2013 in the presence of the Heads of the National Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Participants at the ceremony included Andreu Claret, Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation, and Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, who handed this accolade to Rabeea Najm Al-Din Al-Naser , representing the House of Tales and Music. President Michele Capasso expressed his satisfaction for the acknowledgement.

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During the ceremony for the 2012 EUROMED AWARD received by Sylvia De Fanti and Simona Senzacqua – on behalf of the Theatre Group "Teatro Valle Occupato" winners of the Award – members and Heads of the 43 National Networks of the ALF Foundation were treated to a performance at the outdoor Amphtheatre of the University of Nicosia.

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Si è riunita a Cracovia la Giuria dell'Euromed Award per il Dialogo tra le Culture per decidere il tema dell'anno 2012 che è “Acting for social inclusion of migrants and minorities - Agir pour l'inclusion sociale des migrants et des minorités”.
È stata inoltre definita la composizione della Presidenza della Giuria per il 2012: Fondazione Mediterraneo, Anna Lindh Foundation, Polonia, Francia, Romania, Danimarca, Libano, Algeria e Palestina.


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