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The objectives of the Maison de la Méditerranée are:

1. Setting up a Permanent Consultation Network for partners in Euromediterranean dialogue, with ITC back-up (using the Intranet functions of the Portal "") and periodic meetings based on sectors (Topic Forums);

2. Carrying out Action Plans tackling the main issues of development in the Mediterranean and fostering the extension of Euromediterranean markets by means of partnerships based on the consultation networks outlined above.
The Action Plans are designed to ensure a high degree of participation in Euromediterranean markets, both in terms of services (engineering, tourism, training) and of production of goods and the internationalization of capital. Action Plans are envisaged in the areas specified above.
The MdM, through the Action Plans, aims to promote (in both planning and material terms) numerous Mediterranean circuits of enhancement in the spheres of: traditional and artisan know-how (ceramics, jewellery, cloth-making, etc.); quality agriculture (traditional horticulture, gardening, cooking) and, of course, the cultural heritage (retrieval of architectural techniques, stonemasonry, restoration);

3. Implementing scientific research and training programmes designed both to provide scientific and technical back-up for the "Action Plans" and to create the trans-national human capital required for Euromediterranean integration. This will pave the way for sweeping processes of social transfer of knowledge which, in the long term, will ensure a higher degree of reciprocal knowledge for all peoples in the region. The programme will be developed in cooperation with University Institutes and high profile cultural and scientific bodies. It will involve international seminars involving public and private operators in the various sectors;

4. Creating a Multimedia Village which by means of multiple means of communication (Portal "", Multimedia agency for information in the Mediterranean "Mednetwork", Virtual Museum of the Mediterranean, Museum of Arts and Crafts, Major Publishing Ventures of the Mediterranean) sets up a systematic encounter between Euromediterranean cultures and their diffusion worldwide (exploiting the technologies of digital convergence). All these facilities will be supplied by a Multidisciplinary department in which international workgroups of young people will collect, inventory, collate, translate and disseminate material concerning the evolution of the various expressions of Euromediterranean culture in the following spheres:

Cultural (historical and contemporary productions of literature, cinema-television, theatre, music, art-monuments, applied crafts);

Scientific (dissemination of analytic material prepared by the professional teams working on the Action Plans);

Institutional (evaluation of crisis scenarios);

Informative (extension of the offer of information in publications and video, to increase social awareness of the region).

The multimedia department will be able to call on contributions from the professional and scientific personnel working on the Action Plans and the large quantity of international relations which the permanent representatives and partnership network of the MdM will make constantly available.

Furthermore the MdM will adopt the model of the "network organisms of economic consultation-cooperation", matching this with ITC technologies in order to organize Euromediterranean markets in those areas of public economy in the hands of local authorities.

By fostering the competence which society attributes to women, training programmes will be developed to promote horizontal competence and the activation of cooperative leadership.

Besides the principal mission of the "dialogue between societies and cultures" the following are thematic areas for the operations of MdM:

1. Environment and Common Resurces of the Mediterranean: dedicated to defending those environmental resources threatened by pollution: sea, soil, ionosphere, flora and biodiversity. Defines criteria of protection and sustainable exploitation and seeks to ensure their application throughout the Euromediterranean.

2. Ethics and safeguarding of mental and physical health: dedicated to harmonising standards of health care throughout the Euromediterranean region, while recognising and respecting local ethics and concepts of mental and physical well-being. Defines and implements programmes of distribution of health services corresponding to the best practices recognised by the respective communities.

3. Psycho-social well-being and relations among individuals, families and groups: dedicated to studying relations at the micro-social level to promote and support initiatives which favour the quality of life in local communities and migrant groups. Activates projects enhancing relations and solidarity between genders, within the family and in social groupings, to move beyond a view of the individual as autonomous and unrelated and to build democracy and social participation.

4. Methodologies and programmes for urban development: dedicated to reinforcing local authorities, both by studying and generalising appropriate methodologies of participatory democracy and by designing and implementing programmes of infrastructural reinforcement and better management of public and local utilities. Defines methodologies of cooperative and partnership exhanges of professionalism and facilities, both in investment and management phases, in order to minimise costs. Defines benchmark standards for private operators.

5. Qualifying the migratory flow and social policies combating emargination: dedicated to promoting professional qualification of the migratory population, fostering training, entrepreneurial promotion, and introduction of forms of international economic partnership. Studies models of urban and rural settlement of the migratory population which respect ethics and lead to inter-cultural integration. Studies the juridical and administrative measures required to foster integration and promote throughput of income generated by migration.

The major asset of the Maison de la Méditerranée is represented by a relational area embracing all the countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that has been shaped over the years through the formal adhesion of:

  • Outstanding active politicians, including in office Heads of States;
  • Representatives of the Euro-Mediterranean culture, in its multiple expressions and notably academicians (including the highest representatives of National Academies) historians, writers, opinion leaders who are renowned in their own countries as well as all over the world, Nobel Prizes;
  • In office Governments of Regions, Provinces and Cities, including some of the most important metropolises facing the Mediterranean;
  • More than 200 Cultural and Research Institutions working in many different sectors of social, civil and religious life;
  • Manifold universities, among which the oldest and most prestigious ones;

Institutions and bodies belonging to the Countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM) that can be invited - through telematic infrastructures and through the actions implemented by the Fondazione Mediterraneo - to join an active partnership regarding the concrete transformation processes of the Euro-Mediterranean scenario.

The proposal of such a partnership has turned out to be highly successful not only in the Mediterranean partners countries, but also in the communities of Southern Europe and mainly Southern Italy.

It is intended as a strategic network for the organization and the actual development of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. Each of the convened institutions is in fact a circuit of relations ready to be active, to assemble in a single network men and women, politicians, officials and experts in order to identify , arrange and foresee the implementation of development plans for the common good. This allows all partners of the concerned countries to play an active role in the decision-making and leadership of the process.

The associative methodology of the Euro-partnership proposed by the MdM is strongly inspired by the idea of “ factual democracy” : recognizing (rather than opposing) the right of initiative for each member capable of putting forward new proposals, to the point of promoting the birth, within the network itself, of other leading institutions. These, in turn, can autonomously undertake cultural and institutional initiatives that, later on, will be part of the wider MdM circuit, in order to increase the operational and financial strength of its actions as well as the extent of the enhancement- utilization circuits.

The award ceremony for the winners of the 15th edition of the Mare Nostrum International Journalism Awards, organised by Grimaldi Magazine Mare Nostrum and sponsored by the National Order of Journalists, was held at the Grand Hotel Vesuvio in Naples. The ceremony was presented by host Massimo Giletti and was attended by personalities from the institutional, information and shipping worlds.
The international jury of the Prize, chaired by journalist Bruno Vespa and composed of important personalities from the world of culture and journalism - including the Secretary General of the United States of the World Prof. Michele Capasso - decreed the following winners:
The international jury of the Prize, chaired by journalist Bruno Vespa and composed of important personalities from the world of culture and journalism, has decreed the following winners:

  • Sandro Neri for the article 'Motorways of the Sea Italy and Greece are even closer' published in “Quotidiano Nazionale”;
  • Yosr Hazgui for the article “Tunisie-Pollution Plastique en Méditerranée: Un massacre sous la mer” (“Tunisia-Plastic Pollution in the Mediterranean: a massacre under the sea”), published in “La Presse de Tunisie”.
  • Alessandro De Rossi and Federica Botta  for the online documentary series “Luna sul Mare”;
  • The Spanish journalists Ada Nuño, Álvaro Hermida, Fran Sánchez Becerril, co-authors of the article “Todo empezó con los fenicios: hacia dónde va el transporte marítimo por el Mediterráneo” (“Everything started with the Phoenicians: towards which direction maritime transport in the Mediterranean goes") published in “El Confidencial”;
  • Francesco Ferrari for the article "Supporting maritime transport to save the economy and the environment: the investments to make (and the mistakes not to make)" published in “Il Secolo XIX”.

The special prize "Cavaliere del Lavoro Guido Grimaldi", established by the Grimaldi family in memory of the founder of the Grimaldi Group, was awarded to journalist Nigel Lowry, Correspondent from Athens for “Lloyd’s List”.

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