Complete Lest || of events

The "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, represented by President Andreu Claret, joined the project "Maison des Alliances" proposed by Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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The Union des Jeunes Euro-Maghrébins (UJEM) and the Federacion Asociaciones de Jovenes Emprendedores de Castilla y Leon organized the 4th edition of the Euromagrebin Forum of Youth in Miranda de Ebro (Spain).

Fondazione Mediterraneo partecipated with a relation of the President Michele Capasso who attented a round table with Ismail Alaoui, President of Progress Party and Moroccan Socialism, and Carmen Romero, President of Circulo Mediterraneo.

At the end of the Forum, young people drew up a formal document for the creation of the“Maison des Alliances” in Naples at the seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo. The “Maison des Alliances” should be a symbolic place where to gather up informally decisors and organizers of different International bodies to realize common actions, to avoid waste of resources.

Other suggestions adopted:
- the organisation of the Second Euromagrebin Caravan of Youth;
- the launch of Euromagrebin Show of public sector in Tangeri;
- the creation of a Euromagrebin Radio for young people;
- the organisation of the next edition of the Forum in Naples, at the seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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On the occasion of the concert "PINO E '" at the San Paolo stadium in Naples - broadcast on RAIUNO - there will be an extraordinary opening of the "PINO DANIELE ALIVE" section of the Museum with the testimonies of many visitors and friends, from Giovanni Malagò to Emma, from Tullio De Piscopo to Ornella Vanoni.

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