Complete Lest || of events

The Red Sail of the “Luna Rossa” – the Prada team – won the final of the 2012 America’s Cup 2012 in Naples.
The “Maison des Alliances” provided a unique vantage point with the “Totem for Peace”.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo was host to eminent personalities from the world of culture, arts, science, politics and the armed forces on the occasion of the 2012 America’s Cup World Series.
The Maison des Alliances provided a unique panorama of the event, the walls of which record the last twenty years of its history of the Totem of Peace. The “Vela Rossa” (Red Sail) by Mario Molinari, has become the symbol of the America’s Cup in Naples.


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During a meeting at the Maison des Alliances, attended by personalities from the world of politics, diplomacy, arts and culture, as well as the armed forces, the architect Vittorio di Pace defined the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Michele Capasso, as a modern superhero for having dedicated part of his life, profession and his own resources to promoting peace and dialogue among peoples.


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A delegation from the Afcea International – the body that brings together 34,000 institutions in the world of security – led by its President, Kent Schneider was received by the Maison des Alliances and welcomed by  President Capasso.
President Schneider expressed his personal appreciation for the goals of the Maison.

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On Tuesday 26 october 2011 in Naples – in the headquarter of FONDAZIONE MEDITERRANEO – MAISON DES ALLIANCES – took place the Jury’s Meeting for the assignment of Mare Nostrum Award 2011.
The contest, published by Grimaldi Lines, is reserved to professionals journalists, experts and media’s workers which in the period between 1° march to 15 september had published «at least one article about sea routes».

The contest, at the third edition, has a prize money of 50mila euro, 10mila for everyone of five winners.
The award prize «aims to value maritime routes on Mediterranean area, compared to other transportation, in particular the terrestrial ones. Supported by a clear strategy by European Commission, the so called Sea Highways for cargo traffic and passengers, are an extraordinary tool for social and economical cohesions for Shore countries».

Mare Nostrum Awards’ jury is head by Folco Quilici.Along with him, other important exponents from culture and journalism: Brahi Aouam, Tunisian Republic consolus in Naples, Vassiliki Armogeni, greek journalist from Efoplistis magazine, Michele Capasso, president of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Diana De Feo, Rai journalist , Enric Juliana, vicedirector of Spanish newspaper La Vanguard, Ship owners Ro/Ro, Virman Cusenza, director of the Naples newspaper “Il Mattino” .

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