Complete Lest || of events

Fondazione Mediterraneo and some tourist guides welcomed the Totem for Peace on the Vesuvius.

The work of art is by Mr. Mario Molinari, it is composed of a red sail placed on a black base and on the side there is a yellow-orange semicircle symbolizing the force of distruction, but also hope and joy for reconstruction.

Starting from the sea of Naples (symbolizing the Mediterranean) the Totem was welcomed at the mouth of the crater by graphic experts and artists.

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H.E. Salim M. AlMalik - Director General of ICESCO (Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) - was a guest of the "Maison des Alliances", accompanied by his wife Dr. Yousra Bint Hussain Al-Jazairy and their daughter Lana AlMalik. Welcomed by Secretary-General Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari - Prof. Abdelhak Azzouzi was present - they visited the "Maison", expressing great appreciation for the unique site that has hosted personalities from various countries over the past thirty years in order to produce actions for peace and dialogue.

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On the eve of the G20 in Rome, the Maison des Alliances is hosting multilateral meetings on the main themes at the center of the G20: climate change, pandemics, social injustice.
On this occasion, in the presence of various ambassadors - including the Tunisian Ambassador to Italy Moez Sinaoui - the Appeal for the United States of the World was re-proposed with the projection of the video celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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