Complete Lest || of events

The city of Latina has declared to be fully ready to realize the Totem for Peace in association with the Chamber of Commerce of Latina.


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The Totem for Peace is a symbol of peace that joins both the message of Pope Benedetto XVI of January the 1st 2010 and that of the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano of December the 31st 2009.
The master work of the "Totem for Peace" by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari was used as part of the scenario at the Rai Auditorium in Naples, during the Ephifany Concert.

The "Totem for Peace" symbolically represents the peace process: the fact that the most important cities in the world - together with many other small and big towns - have shown interest in realizing this symbol of peace, strengthens the Fondazione Mediterraneo to go on in this long and complex way, but the only one way to go: the peace.

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The “Maison de la Paix”, conceived by architect and engineer Michele Capasso, becomes a concrete project.

In 1994 Michele Capasso founded the Fondazione Mediterraneo with its main actions: the “Maison de la Méditerranée” and the “Maison des Alliances”, with the headquarter in Naples.
In the last days was presented the tird action of Fondazione Mediterraneo: the “Maison de la Paix”.

The project was proposed to the Sultanate of Oman: in Muscat (the capital) and in Salalah (near the Yemen), where President Capasso made meetings aimed at the realization of the work.

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