Complete Lest || of events

On the occasion of the starting of activities of the "Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture" the work by the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari "Totem for Peace", symbol for the peace in the world, was inaugurated.

A red sail, symbol for journey and union, chosen by 187 countries in the world as an image of dialogue and union, created and made by the sculptor of colour, Mario Molinari. The work is displayed on the terrace of the Maison de la Paix, but soon it will also be at the Museo Diocesano in Naples, at the Theatre of San Carlo and in more meaningful places too.

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The President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, in the wonderful “Huerto del Cura” in Elche, near Alicante, presented the programme of the “Totem for Peace” to journalists and representatives of the civil society coming from 43 Countries.

In a moment when the economic crisis, and also the values crisis, seams to waver all our certainties, it is fundamental to have a symbol of peace in which each one can identifies himself, overcoming cultural, religious and political diversities.
The participants will support the action, promoting the programme of the “Totem for Peace” in their respective Countries.

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At the entrance of the cathedral dedicated to Saint Michele Arcangelo, Monsignor Giuseppe Rocco Favale, bishop of the Diocesi di Vallo della Lucania, cut the ribbon for the first stone of the "Totem for Peace".
Together with the mayor of Rutino Michele Voria other mayors participated: Franco Serra (Laureana Cilento), Raffaello Gargano (Torchiara), Antonio Radano (Stella Cilento), Emanuele Malatesta (Omignano), Anna Acquaviva (Serramezzana), Franco Alfieri (Agropoli), Giuseppe Castellano (Lustra). 

President of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso, Mrs. Pia Balducci Molinari, hon. Pasquale Vessa and the President of Comunità Montana Alento Monte Stella Sabato Vecchio attended the event.

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The travel of the "Totem for Peace" keeps to spead, through the red sail, its message of peace. On the occasion of the Concert for the Liberation Day, the band Santabarba played on the stage of p.zza Castello in Turin disseminating the message.

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