29 September 2010
Iniziative (EN) -
Mediterranean Award - Euromed Award (EN)
On the occasion of EUROPARC 2010 at Pescasseroli – an event which brought together representatives of the Parks of European Countries and for the inauguration of the “TOTEM FOR PEACE”, the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise was awarded the “Angelo Vassallo” Mediterranean Award for Environment and Co-Development for its actions aiming at protecting the environment and nature.
The international jury of the “Mediterranean Award” decided to grant this category of the awards to the memory of the Mayor of Pollica, Angelo Vassallo, who was barbarously assassinated on 5 September last year, paying tribute to his actions to affirm legality in defence of the environment and sustainable development.
The speakers included:
• the Mayor of Pescasseroli, Nunzio Finamore;
• the President of the National Park, Giuseppe Rossi and its director, Vittorio Ducoli;
• the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso together with the director of institutional relations, Claudio Azzolini, and other members of the institution;
• the Coordinator of the “Città per la Pace nel Mondo” Michele Voria;
• Mayors from the Municipalities of the Parks of Vesuvio, Cilento and Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise;
• delegations of citizens from Santa Maria di Castellabate, Acciaroli and Pescasseroli;
• Parliamentarians and representatives of national an international institutionsi;
• Representatives of 30 countries participating in Europarc 2010.
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