17 December 2024
Tutte le Attività (EN) -
Anno 2024
The United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilisations (UNAOC), Miguel Angel Moratinos, sent a message today in which, among other things, he said:
"I express all my support and that of the United Nations to the United States of the World: in particular to Secretary-General Michele Capasso. The work and commitment you have been carrying out for 37 years to consolidate this noble action of yours deserves all our approval. Rest assured that as the United Nations and as High Representative for the Alliance of Civilisations we will work with you, hand in hand, to build a better world in which peace and justice will be our common goals".
Two United Nations Secretaries-General had already previously expressed full support for the United States of the World: Kofi Annan, who stated that "the idea of reuniting Peoples through the United States of the World through the involvement of Civil Society is a fundamental complement to the action of the United Nations", and Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who wrote that "the commitment of the United States of the World must be supported because it guarantees the future and the safeguarding of values and social justice".
In a communiqué, Secretary-General Capasso thanked the United Nations, reaffirming its ongoing commitment to safeguarding the earth and maintaining peace.