05 August 2023
Tutte le Attività (EN) -
Anno 2023
We felt a great emotion today in Fatima because of the presence of Pope Francis: the intensity of his prayer reduced the presence of more than 200,000 people: in silence we prayed the Holy Rosary with him.
It was a strong and heartfelt moment of prayer for the EARTH and for PEACE: two values that we are neglecting and which are admonished in the encyclicals "LAUDATO SI'" and "FRATELLI TUTTI", which form the basis of the "Constitution of the United States of the World" and the action of the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" since 1987.
We wished to pay homage on this occasion to Pope John Paul II - who has supported us in our action for peace from the very beginning - by praying before the statue placed in the centre of the square at Fatima.