13 January 2015
Tutte le Attività (EN) -
Anno 2015
The Directorate of Fondazione Mediterraneo, gathered to commemorate Pino Daniele, confirmed the will to realize two initiatives strongly desired by the great artist too and decided during his recent visit at the Foundation the last 18 december 2014. «The last time I saw him was on the second of January, three days before his departure – remembered president Capasso, we talked at 21.00 and I told him I was in retreat in San Biagio house of worship during Christmas week. As soon as I told him I slipped in Saint Benedict cave in Subiaco he bend over with laughter and told me once again what he had said on 18 december 2014 during his visit at Mamt Museum: “Michele, you are a personaggio!”. And he proposed to realize a “Concert for Peace” every year, on 19 september, in Naples harbour, in front of the Monument dedicated to the Uknown Migrant. “It has to be an international event which has to be carefully organized. Our peace message should be universal, we cannot and we mustn’t do a carnival. On the other project, which aimed to dedicate to him “Music Hall” of MAMT museum, he was agree unless it be a place of exchange and formation for youngs in order to realize in Naples what already exists in other cities: a cultural datum point about Naples musical history as it already happens for Fado in Portugal, Flamenco in Spain and so forth. “Michele, be carefull, don’t forget about Gesualdo from Venosa: he was important to me, everyone of us owes something to him. Now it is enough, I’m not in the mood to speak at the phone. I’ll wait you in Tuscany for a couple of days, so we can talk about the details…”. These were his last words addressed to me. The two projects, if the family will agree, will start as soon as possible, beginning with the multimedia reallocation of MAMT museum.