19 February 2011
Tutte le Attività (EN) -
Anno 2011
The Fondazione Mediterraneo and the Fondazione Valenzi, together with the Festival del Giornalismo di Perugia, organised the conference cycle “The century of Marshall McLuhan” as part of the project “Per Napoli”.
Saturday 19th February at 11 a.m., at the offices of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, in Via Depretis 130, Naples, on the occasion of the presentation of Michele Mezza’s new book "Sono le News, Bellezza! Vincitori e vinti nella guerra della velocità digitale - Donzelli Editore, there was an encounter between the protagonists of the world of information in Naples: Internet said: will the papers end like Mirafiori?
Welcome Michele CAPASSO, President of Fondazione Mediterraneo, Lucia VALENZI, President of Fondazione Valenzi
Introduction of the debate Derrick DE KERKHOVE replies to questions from the author Michele MEZZA, vice director of Nuovi Media Rai
Contributions from Virman CUSENZA, Director of Il Mattino, Enzo COLIMORO, President of Assostampa Napoli, Marco DEMARCO, Director of Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno, Massimo MILONE, Chief Editor of RAI’s Campania Regional News, Francesco PICCININI, Director of AgoraVox, Alfonso RUFFO, Director of Il Denaro, Mario ROFFA, Assessor for Development of the Commune of Naples
Moderator Roberto RACE, Secretary General of Fondazione Valenzi
During the event, the work in progress of the new “Osservatorio Napoli nella rete”, directed by Derrik De Kerckhove and coordinated by Michele Mezza, was presented. The Osservatorio shall be the thematic database of the project “Per Napoli” launched by the Fondazione Mediterraneo in collaboration with the Fondazione Valenzi, for analysing and documenting the digital traces of Naples in the Blogosphere. The first report within one month of its start-up.
The meeting was broadcast in direct streaming on the main Italian information portals. Il Denaro, AgoraVox and Campaniac'entro also featured in-depth articles.
On this occasion, President Michele Capasso stressed the importance of “acting” for Naples, calling on all the positive and competent forces of the city.
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