28 February 2011
Tutte le Attività (EN) -
Anno 2011
At the historical headquarters of the Bank of Naples in via Toledo there was the debate “Yesterday’s Europe, Tomorrow’s Europe” with an important group of speakers, including economists and politicians. Speeches were given by Andrea Beltratti, president of the management board of the Intesa Sanpaolo bank, Paolo Garonna, director general of the Associazione nazionale delle imprese assicuratrici, Alfonso Izzo of the European Federalist Movement, the Euro-Parliamentarians Gianni Pittella, acting vice president of the European Parliament and Antonio Tajani, vice president of the European Commission for Industry and Business. In the afternoon there was a round table discussion with the president of Cnel Antonio Marzano, the vice president of Confindustria, Cristiana Coppola, the president of the cultural commission of Confindustria Alessandro Laterza, Gregorio De Felice, manager of analysis and research for Intesa Sanpaolo bank and Alessandra Perrazzelli, from the Intesa Sanpaolo Eurodesk. The work was chaired by Giuseppe Castagna, director general of Banco di Napoli.
Claudio Azzolini, head of Institutional Relations, intervened on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
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