28 September 2013
Iniziative (EN) -
Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
The Min. Pl. Enrico Granara , Coordinator of the Euro-Mediterranean policies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, presented the RIDE - Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean dialogue, speaking at the II International Forum organized by “Rondine Città della della Pace” member of the Network
“A significant moment - said Granara - because this initiative is an important step in the attempt to find a common way to support the new course of the countries of the Southern Mediterranean through the overcoming of conflict and cooperation”.
Among the messages, what Ambassador Staffan de Mistura, former Under Secretary and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs , Special Envoy of the Government Letta for the case Marò in India, has given at young people of ‘Rondine Citta della Pace’ from the South Bank in connection with the Forum : “I’m happy to be part of this moment you are doing – says de Mistura greeting the young people - the French Revolution teaches that the results come after a long time, after moments of great confusion but are movements that change history irreversibly , as a breath of fresh air that enters a room displaces the stale air that was there before”.