23 July 2021
Iniziative (EN) -
Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
The Fondazione Mediterraneo, in the wake of its thirty-year concrete action and the project of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD, has launched a heartfelt appeal to the Ministers of the Environment of the countries participating in the G20 in Naples to intervene immediately for a drastic turnaround: "it is the serious risk of leaving the planet no longer suitable for man - said President Capasso - and our children and grandchildren will find themselves a dying land, destroyed by ourselves. Without the agreement to halve CO2 emissions by 2030 and without the definitive abandonment of the use of coal, any proposal appears useless.
In this way - continues Capasso - the goal of keeping the planet's temperature increase within 1.5 ° is unattainable because to respect that limit it is absolutely necessary to halve CO2 emissions by 2030 to zero them by 2050: this irresponsible decision takes place precisely when the climate crisis hits various countries with extreme events, from Germany to Belgium and then Canada, China and so on for a long list. The Fondazione Mediterraneo - concludes President Capasso - since 1989 with the proposal of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD has warned about the dangers deriving from a wicked use of the earth and creation. If the main countries of the world do not converge on serious commitments it will be impossible to prevent even more catastrophic consequences”.
Previously, President Capasso during a press conference had on the one hand appreciated the agreement - which resulted after "a very long and intense negotiation" and announced by the Italian Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani at the Royal Palace in Naples together with John Kerry , envoy of the American government - on the other hand expressed the strong disappointment for the lack of ambition with the block on the issue of decarbonization by "less ambitious" countries that would continue to refuse binding commitments on the indispensable acceleration of this process. Aiming for a grade and a half and decarbonisation within the decade saw the opposition of India and China and therefore the discussion was postponed to October when the G20 of heads of state and government will be held in Rome.