23 October 2020
Iniziative (EN) -
Federazione Anna Lindh Italia - Onlus (EN)
The participants in the 6th International Colloquium on "The Arab World and Europe" - gathered in Tunis - expressed their appreciation for the work carried out by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and celebrated the 30th anniversary of its establishment.
The professor. Mohamed Elaziz ben Achour - former director general of ALECSO and minister of culture of Tunisia - recalled the Foundation's commitment in favor of dialogue and peace which has translated into constant action of "fraternity", thanks to the commitment and the constant action of the president Michele Capasso.
President Capasso and Dr. Pia Molinari, connected to the webinars, thanked the participants who saw the video "THE ARAB WORLD AND EUROPE: MIGRANTS" made for this occasion by the Fondazione Mediterraneo.