04 June 2009
Iniziative (EN) -
Chaire Averroès (EN)
President Michele Capasso made a speech titled "Union for the Mediterranean: balance and perspective" at the 4th Conference of the 10th Edition of the Chaire Averroès at the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakesh, that celebrates its 30 years of activities.
The Chaire Averroès was founded by Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakesh together with Fondazione Mediterraneo, with the aim to set up a Chair coordinating the studies concerning the Euro-Mediterranean region.
After the Conference President Capasso bestowed the Silver Dolphin Mediterranean Award to the memory of Ahmed Jebli, ex President of the University. (see the event)
Presentation of the Chaire | | | Presentation of the Conference | | | Invitation | | | Speech by Capasso | | | UCAM |